Contact Jaspreet
Jaspreet Lyall is an experienced and knowledgeable planning and environmental lawyer having practiced in both the private and public sector. Jaspreet’s practice includes contentious and non-contentious planning matters, including section 106 obligations, Biodiversity Net Gain covenants and lawful development certificates, Affordable Housing viability reviews, planning enforcement, planning appeals, Judicial Reviews, Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects and planning permissions for Renewable Energy development.
Jaspreet also has extensive experience advising on highways infrastructure agreements and licences, traffic management orders, stopping up orders and rights of way matters.
Jaspreet’s clients include landowners, developers, local authorities and registered providers. Jaspreet has also provided training in relation various aspects of Planning and Infrastructure which is a constantly changing area of law.
Jaspreet has an in depth understanding of all aspects of development and is able to provide the advice and assistance needed to secure all types of planning permissions.
Jaspreet's Experience
- Acted on behalf of a developer seeking planning permission for a large Solar Energy project in Cambridgeshire securing all permits and allowing the development to proceed to commencement
- Acted on behalf of a Local Authority in the A14 Development Consent Order which was one of the first Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects to complete under the Planning Act 2008
- Provided advice to Milton Keynes City Council regarding the MK East development an large missed development which includes 4000 homes and various infrastructure including a new bridge over the M1 motorway
Jaspreet is a fitness enthusiast who is aiming to complete as many National Trails as possible
He also enjoys a sudoku or two even if they drive him insane!