Planning is a complex mix of law and policy. We have a detailed understanding of planning law from the perspectives of both local planning authorities and developers. As a result, we offer clear, pragmatic and timely advice for projects of all sizes.
Our broad experience covers the full gamut of planning and planning-related advice, including:
- ‘Cradle to grave’ advice on securing and varying planning permissions for major residential development, retail development and mixed-use regeneration schemes
- Negotiating S 106, highway and other infrastructure agreements
- Advising on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Advising on and managing planning appeals
- Advising on planning enforcement and certificates of lawful development
- Promoting and opposing compulsory purchase orders
- Advising affected landowners and local authority consultees on development consent orders
- Advising on judicial reviews
- Advising on Town and Village Green Applications
- Planning due diligence
- Representations on emerging planning policy
- Planning objections
Please also see our related Property Development – Residential and Property Development – Commercial legal services.
Planning experts